Sustainable Careers
Sustainability is not a set of actions to take, rather it's a lens through which to view any work you may do. So, especially as the need for sustainability-driven tactics in every corner of industry and the public sector is increasingly widely recognized. There are jobs "in sustainability" for which an employee may be the sole authority and driving force on the matter in the entire. Conversely, there are roles within firms completely focused on a more sustainable future that may not directly interact with the efforts (think accounting, legal counsel).
Either way, as the need grows, the opportunity grows. According to Business Insider, "LinkedIn found that the fastest-growing green job titles between 2016 and 2021 included sustainability manager, wind turbine technician, solar consultant, ecologist, and environmental health and safety specialist."
Job hunting, but want to work alongside your core values? Whether you want to fight climate change in the financial industry or apply your writing skills to eradicating poverty, we've gathered a collection of tactics and resources to help you on your hunt. This is far from being an exhaustive list. In fact, if you've got other resources in your arsenal, PLEASE leave them in the comments below for folks to utilize.
Job Boards
These are the most direct form of job-hunting, and the following boards curate positions that are all related to sustainability in one way or another.
- Climatebase.org - This hiring platform is the brainchild of big-tech veterans who wanted to put their knowledge to good use. (Proof that you can do it, too!) Their site is really well maintained and constantly being updated.
- GreenBiz's job board - GreenBiz is a news and media company that also hosts an annual conference and publishes an annual report on the state of "green" industries. They also have a pretty extensive job board.
- Green Jobs Board by Kristy Drutman - You might know Drutman by her Instagram handle, @browngirlgreen . She's an engaging educator and has very much risen as a leader in the realm of intersectional discourse in regards to sustainability efforts. Her website also hosts a very cool job board. Be sure to scroll for listings, since the web design for that page made me think I had to sign up for her newsletter in order to see them. That's not the case. Also, if you do happen to achieve gainful employment through her site, be sure to return and contribute to her efforts.
The younger you are, I'd wager the less likely you are to consider LinkedIn a relevant resource, but you could not be more wrong there. It is a hive of ever-updating information that can inform as well as aid in accomplishing your job search. It also offers the benefit of knowing what connections you may already have within a company and therefore who you could talk to for first-hand information about the position and business. Here are my tips for using LinkedIn as the ultimate job-hunting tool:
- Keep your profile on point! - With a thorough and well-executed LinkedIn profile, you can apply to jobs with the literal click of a button, but it also helps potential job opportunities find you! Hiring departments scour potential profiles looking for the right fit, so be sure yours contains all the keywords for the types of jobs you'd want to be approached for.
- Green Jobs Board - I assume it shows up for everyone, but when I go to the "Jobs" tab with the briefcase icon, one of the subsections on that page is "Green Jobs". I hope that's not just a creepy algorithm that knows what I'd be most likely to look for.
- Create job alerts - This is my favorite job hunting tactic. Rather than finding jobs you want to have, make a list of businesses you'd like to work for. Then, go to their LinkedIn profiles and, under the "Jobs" subsection, you'll see a button that says "create a job alert". This way, you'll be early to learn about new listings. I'd also recommend following their profiles to stay up-to-date on new developments at the business - it may come in handy during the interview or application stage! At the very least, it'll keep you more informed about goings on in an industry you're interested in.
- Search by specific industries and skills - You can also treat LinkedIn like any other job board database and perform your typical job searches.
Conferences & Professional Associations
These are often not free and might require more of a long-game approach to job hunting, but they can be extremely effective. In environments like that, people are there with one goal: connection. Even if they're not looking to hire, expanding your community in your field is almost always a positive (I can't think of a negative, but I'll leave room for exceptions). Networking gets a bad rap from folks under the age of... 35ish. In the case of networking or jobs, specifically, I like to remind folks that you're not really asking for a handout. While you may ultimately benefit from the job, a professional connection will likely be glad to have made the introduction (if that's what you're asking for) because they look good for having offered up the right person for the job (...assuming you're good at what you do, I guess). In summary: meet people in your field. The worst thing that can happen is you know more people in your field. If you think that's the stuff of extroverts, know that I am not in fact an extrovert. I've just learned the benefits of connecting with people over shared goals.
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